• Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
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  2. 3

    US Army visits DCHS

  3. 4

    University of Chicago visits DCHS

    College Visit for University of Chicago.
  4. 7
  1. 11

    University of Iowa visits DCHS

    University of Iowa
    Rep name: Lang, Allison
    Rep email: allison-lang@uiowa.edu
    Rep title: Senior Admissions Counselor

  2. 12

    University of St Thomas visits DCHS

    University of St Thomas
    Rep name: Callahan, Tyger
    Rep email: tyger.callahan@stthomas.edu
    Rep title: Admissions Counselor

  3. 14

    ACT Test @ DCHS

  1. 15
  2. 17

    Johns Hopkins University visits DCHS

    Johns Hopkins University
    Rep name: Keefe, Julia
    Rep email: jkeefe3@jh.edu
    Rep title: Ms

    Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt University
    Rep name: Ashton, Nicholas
    Rep email: nicholas.ashton@vanderbilt.edu
    Rep title: Admissions Counselor

    ZAPS ACT Test Prep Class

  3. 18

    Xavier University

    Xavier University
    Rep name: Ritter, Rachel
    Rep email: ritterr@xavier.edu
    Rep title: Regional Recruitment Director

    Creighton University visits DCHS

    Creighton University
    Rep name: Olson, Christine
    Rep email: christineolson@creighton.edu
    Rep title: Undergraduate Admissions Counselor

  4. 19

    Loyola University Chicago

    Loyola University Chicago
    Rep name: Scott, Jack
    Rep email: jscott3@luc.edu
    Rep title: Admissions Counselor

    Drake University

    Drake University
    Rep name: Robinson, Emelyn
    Rep email: grace.robinson@drake.edu
    Rep title: Admission Counselor

  5. 21
  1. 22

    Golden Circle College Fair

  2. 24

    Homecoming Dress

    Tuesday is "Wake Up and Smell the Roses" day.  Students are encouraged to come in their pajamas- appropriate please.

    Washington University in St Louis

    Washington University in St Louis
    Rep name: Scarlett, Dacoda
    Rep email: dscarlett@wustl.edu
    Rep title: Associate Director for Rural Recruitment

    St. Ambrose University visits DCHS

    College Visit for St. Ambrose University.

    Saint Louis University

    Saint Louis University
    Rep name: McGrail, Regan
    Rep email: regan.mcgrail@slu.edu
    Rep title: Admission Rep

    College of Saint Benedict

    College of Saint Benedict
    Rep name: Broghammer, Sarah
    Rep email: sbroghamm001@csbsju.edu
    Rep title: Admission Representative

  3. 25

    Homecoming Dress

    Wednesday is "Two Peas in a Pod" day.  Students are encouraged to dress up as a famous duo or twins. Find a partner and have fun.

    University of Missouri-Columbia

    University of Missouri-Columbia
    Rep name: Fonner, Katelyn
    Rep email: askkatelyn@missouri.edu
    Rep title: Admissions Representative

    Marines visit DCHS

    Texas Christian University visits DCHS

    Texas Christian University
    Rep name: Countryman, Jill
    Rep email: J.Countryman@tcu.edu
    Rep title: Regional Admission Counselor

    Grinnell College

    Grinnell College
    Rep name: Neid, Meredith
    Rep email: neidmered@grinnell.edu
    Rep title: Ms.

  4. 26

    Homecoming Dress

    Thursday is "All Grown Up" day. Wear your college t-shirt, dress in your future career or dress as a teacher.

    Senior Sunrise

    Football field

    Hamline University visits DCHS

    Hamline University
    Rep name: Galvin, Marquesa
    Rep email: mgalvin02@hamline.edu
    Rep title: Admission Counselor

    Grand Canyon University

    Grand Canyon University
    Rep name: Jorgensen, Ethan
    Rep email: ethan.jorgensen@gcu.edu
    Rep title: University Admissions Counselor

    Briar Cliff University

    Briar Cliff University
    Rep name: Greer, Rhea
    Rep email: rhea.greer@briarcliff.edu
    Rep title: Admissions Counselor

  5. 27

    Homecoming Dress

    Friday is "Dig Deep" day: show off your Maroon pride and spirt wear.

    Athletic Hall of Fame

    Homecoming Pep Assembly

  6. 28

    Homecoming Dance

    Dowling Cafeteria
    The Junior-Senior dance is from 8:00-11:00.  Students must arrive no later than 8:30 and may not leave until after 10:30. Cost of the dance is $10 per person and tickets must be purchased prior to the dance.
  1. 29
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  3. 2
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  5. 4
  6. 5

Dowling Catholic High School

Dowling Catholic High School is committed to serving the Greater Des Moines Catholic community and embracing learners of all faiths. In an environment that is faithful, caring and dedicated, Dowling Catholic forms each student to become a Christ-centered leader.